Wednesday, October 19, 2011


I've been hearing about a few things in the LGBT community that are really making me angry. You know, we don't do anything harmful to anyone, so why do people muster up so much hate for us? You could be transferring all that hate and passion into something else, rather than hating a community that wants nothing more than equal rights.

First and foremost, I heard a story about an A+ student heading in a bright, fortunate direction, but her school forced her to leave after she came out to them as lesbian. Here's a small article about it.

Why does it matter that she is lesbian? Does that have some negative influence on whether or not you believe she can be a brilliant student? We're not inhuman. We think just like every other human does, and I don't believe anyone would do such a thing. Our orientation has nothing to do with how we perform academically, professionally, or in society. We're still human.

The next thing that really made me angry had to do with the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell. A brave, strong-willed woman decided to tweet exactly how she felt about the situation. Here's the tweet:

First of all: who are you to say whether or not God is pleased? Is he sending you messages in your hateful head? I would think that this is why Christians get a bad image, and these are some of the reasons why gays/bisexuals/lesbians are still considered a minority. My other thought on this will this end the earth? Because we're allowed to be open about our orientation in the military, God is just going to smite us all? I just found this to be the most ridiculous bit of ignorance I've seen.

Also, in response to that, there are a few states that allow same-sex marriages, and in fact, many people have married their same-sex partner. So my question to the bible thumpers are: If these have happened, and God is so against it, why won't he smite us all? Oh, right, because instead, we're just going to burn in Hell. Totally forgot that!

I had to get that out of my system, because the ignorance of our country as a whole is starting to become more and more real as I see this things being said. I can't, for the life of me, comprehend why people harbor such hate for the LGBT community, when we just want equal rights. I just wish I knew how they could sleep at night, as their blood pumps hate throughout their entire body.

1 comment:

  1. Well said. As a supporter of equal rights, I too get annoyed at the ignorance of some people. I live in a state where religion is everywhere. Usually when this comes up in conversation (and, with me it does a lot), I usually ask why the salvation and/or bedroom happenings of someone who has come out as gay is any of our concern. It usually shuts them up pretty fast. I have converted a few people to the side of equal rights. All I can do is continue on 1 person at a time.
