Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Fictional Motivation

I finished my Supernatural Fanfiction! Here's the finished product, for those that are interested! The whole story!

About a week ago, I saw the movie, "The Help", and, first off, I absolutely loved it. It's one of my favorite movies now. If you haven't seen it yet, get into your car, onto your bike, or ride your dragon to the theater, and watch it ASAP. Don't have a car, bike, or dragon? I suppose you can ask a friend to take you, but wouldn't it be better to fly a dragon into the parking lot? All them moviegoers will be quite jealous of you.

Anyway, for those of you who haven't seen the movie (or read the book, for that matter), I won't be telling you anything you haven't already seen in the previews. So yes! You can read my post without screaming at me, saying "Curse you, Jeff! You ruined the movie for me!" Or some other choice words. Anyway, let's move on! (Okay so MAYBE there are a few minor spoilers, but I promise it won't ruin the experience for you if you see it.)

As I watched this movie, I became very intrigued by Euginia, or "Skeeter", as they called her. I felt like I was very similar to her, but also different in many ways. All in all, I want to be more like her.

She, as you all probably knew, once she got a job at a publishing company, wanted to write her own book coming from the maids' point of view. Of course, this caused scandals left and right, but Skeeter knew what she was doing.

I felt like we were similar because we both felt inadequate as young adults, not really feeling desirable by anyone. She and I both are very cynical when it comes to being in a relationship, though the idea of one seems very pleasant. We, also, both know what we want, and aren't willing to give up whatsoever.

I want to be more like her, because even though she was somewhat awkward, she was a very strong woman. (Yes, this means I want to be a strong woman. Haha!) She wrote a very controversial book, and she never doubted it one bit. She was very comfortable with everything she wrote. I always feel like people are critiquing my work harshly in their heads, simply hating everything about it. She knew how to stand up for herself, which I can only seem to do when I finally feel that I've taken enough.

Throughout the movie, I felt like I was looking up to her. Rather than merely being a fictional character, she became a role model, and a motivational figure for me. Watching her determination and strong-willed nature made me want to be just like her. Easily, she was my favorite character, though she was not the only lovable one. I highly recommend that you see this movie!

Song of the Week!

This song is called "Rocket Girl" by Stellar, and I really enjoyed the song and video. It took a while, but now I absolutely love it. Believe it or not, this video got banned (so I read) in South Korea because of "violent images". Well, even though it's a bit violent, I wouldn't necessarily say it's rated R quality. It's definitely a very innocent video, I think.

I know, it seems like all I post is Korean music, but that's the only thing that's ever relevant. So yeah. Don't be hatin'.

Thanks for reading! Tune in next week for another brilliant post!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Beauty and Relationships

First and foremost, here's my Supernatural Fanfiction, which I'm almost finished with! Chapters 1-23.

So today, I thought I'd talk about something I know EVERYONE can relate to. In our lifetime, most of us want to be loved by someone, and some people spend copious amounts of time trying to find this one person. Many people have their certain standards about their personalities or whatnot, but to lots of others, there's another aspect that they search for. That's right, they also look for how attractive (physically) they are.

The issue is: Are looks really all that important in the relationship? I mean, sure. Just because someone is smokin' hot, it doesn't mean they're going to be the most reliable and loving person on the planet. In fact, many people think it's the opposite. I'll admit, I've had my fair share of thinking someone's attractive, only to find out they're a complete douche bag, but who says that it's always supposed to be that way?

There are many sides to this argument (at least from what I hear from different people). There are people who think that being physically attracted to their partner isn't essential. They think that a relationship is based solely on what they see on the inside, and not what's on the outside.

There are people who think looks are a bonus. They'll try hard to find someone who they're physically attracted to, but they won't necessarily make it a priority. If they find someone who they connect with on an emotional level, it might be all they need, but if they aren't necessarily "pretty", whether they think they are or not, they'll still stay happy and content with them.

And of course, there are the ones who base relationships solely on how people look. If the person isn't physically attractive to them at all, they won't even consider getting to know them. These people might be considered "picky", but others might just call it high standards.

What's my side on the issue? Personally, I want to be physically attracted to my partner. I feel like I won't be able to be in a relationship unless I'm able to look at the person without having a strong urge to look away. Now I'm sure some of you could be thinking, "Damn, this guy's shallow". Almost everyone I know can vouch for the fact that I'm not the least bit shallow. I'm saying this because I know I'm not the hottest thing on the block.I just think you have to connect with your partner in more ways than just emotionally, because you're, potentially, going to be spending the rest of your life with this person.

There's the underlying "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" type of thing when it comes to this topic, of course. I'm not trying to say that certain people only pick people that are attractive, but are attractive to them. Not all of us have the same taste, so I could think someone is absolutely hunky, while you think they're junky.

Song of the week! 
This is a multi-racial kpop band whom I've fallen in love with. This song has been on repeat since I've discovered it.

That's all for now! Have a great day!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


I'm back, readers! I have returned from the beautiful land of Yellowstone, though somewhat regretfully. The weather was absolutely amazing compared to the daily triple-digit temperatures in Phoenix. I almost didn't want to come back, but I was also ready to be home.

Before I go on, I've added some chapters to my Supernatural Fanfiction since my last post, so here you go! Chapters 1-15. I'm hoping to just have it done by the time summer is over, but...we'll see.

So anyway, Yellowstone was quite an experience. It was a beautiful city (Yes, it was that big, though I'm sure everyone already knew that...) filled with wonders I never imagined could exist. There were more trees than I could even begin to count, and there were so many thermal features (geysers/hot springs/mudpots/fumaroles). Most of them smelled terrible though, because of the sulfur. So they were pretty and interesting to look at, but you find yourself leaving only a few seconds later because of the overpowering stench. Here's one we saw!

 This one was simply a hot spring, but there was so much steam from it, I just had to take a picture. It was windy that day, and the steam would soar through us, and luckily for us, it wasn't smelly steam. It felt pretty amazing, though I'm sure that water was a little too hot to actually go in. Darn.

We saw some waterfalls too while we were there, and there was one in particular that really looked amazing. In fact, I'm using it as an excuse to show off a picture that I'm very proud of. I swear, it's photography gold, and you'd swear I was majoring in photography, and not English, after seeing it.

See? Look at it! LOOK AT IT! I felt so good about this picture. Sadly, it's probably the only breathtaking picture I'll ever take with my wimpy, 12 megapixel digital camera.

The amount of bison we saw was unbelievable! They even got ridiculously close to the road, and acted like it was the most reasonable thing to do. They'd cross the street and act like we weren't even there.

This one buffalo...he didn't even care. He just walked in front of our car at his own, slow little pace, without a care in the world. He even glanced behind him at us, almost like "Yeah yeah, I see you." It was probably my favorite moment while we were there.

We saw lots of other animals, such as deer, antelope, moose, and even chipmunks! We saw bears and wolves as well, but we had to visit a bear/wolf preserve in Montana because of how rare it is to see them in the park. We got close to seeing a bear, because everyone was stopped on the side of the road, saying a bear was among the large rocks. Of course, they also said they saw it ten minutes before, and it was hiding. My thoughts: "Yes, people. This bear is DEFINITELY going to come out with all of us standing her with cameras."

I learned some things about Yellowstone while I was there. It was almost a community of its own, and you quickly become a part of it. Here's some things I found out, and some things that you can possibly take note of if you've never been there:

1. If there are cars pulled over on the side of the road, don't think "What the hell, guys! Move!" Think: "They're looking at something amazing! Let's go look at it!"

2. Wherever there was a majestic animal to see, there was a park ranger telling you to move along.

3. The foreigners can, and will take a whole five minutes to try and get a picture while you're walking along the trails, effectively wasting that much time of your day.

Oh. the foreigners. As pleasant as it was to see all these people from other countries, it was also quite amusing to see how they operate. More than half the foreign groups I saw, while taking pictures, would stand there with no emotion on their face. I would just think: "Why even take a picture if you're not going to look like you enjoyed your time there?"

After our few days at Yellowstone, we headed back to Jackson and spent our last few days there. We went Whitewater rafting, which I regret not doing when I had the chance many years ago. It was a blast! Though, we had a relatively disappointing crew. The lady that sat between my sister and I was so paranoid, I was surprised she didn't collapse from a heart attack. She claimed that she had gone on a Whitewater rafting trip before, which would make you think she wouldn't be so nervous, but she was. It bugged me beyond belief. She was quick to bark orders at us about "You better paddle hard guys, because I don't wanna fall out!", even though she refused to paddle. She wasn't the only one, though. The lady sitting beside my stepmom solemnly told her, after our guide gave us instructions on what to do if someone fell out, not to fall out. Despite all this, I had a lot of fun, and it gave us a lot to talk about after the rafting trip.

I also went horseback riding. That was so much fun! My horse was awesome, and I swear we were so identical in personality. Her name was Trojan. So yes, guys, I rode the Trojan horse.

There we are, in all of our glory. She had a strong go-with-the-flow personality, though she would try to eat when she wasn't supposed to. She only tried to eat when our wrangler had us stop, so she would eat because we weren't doing anything else anyway. I would try to stop her (because the wrangler told us to) but she would fight it. It was like she was saying: "Seriously? We're not doing anything else, jerk." She was also very excited to be back at the stables, because she would try to get ahead of the other horses. Yup, just like me.

I realized something while I was on this trip. I know that I'm generally an easygoing person, but I'm wondering if I roll with the punches a little too much. I realized this when our group was going their separate ways on what to do next. Two of them wanted to go paragliding (which I am nowhere near brave enough to do, yet) and the other two wanted to do another horseback ride (which I wasn't in the mood for). I mean, what was I supposed to do? I guess it was a result of having a group of five on the trip, but I felt like I was left with a choice. I felt as if I had to pick between these two things to do, because what else would I do? I felt like they were thinking (which I feel like most people think): "Jeff will be okay. He's so easygoing, so we can do these things and even though he doesn't want to, it'll be perfectly okay. Because sabes qué? He's easygoing."

Excuse the spanish, I just thought it fit pretty well. Anywho, I know how petty it sounds, but it's just kind of annoying. I don't want to say "Can't we find something that all of us want to do?" because I don't want to be the one who complains. It's not like they were depriving me of activities, but why do the activities need to be something I don't want to do? I don't want people to revolve around my needs, but I know they're thinking that I don't mind sitting around the hotel, or just simply taking a walk around the area, since that's just how I work. I just wonder if I'm too easygoing. I wonder if I need to roll with the punches a little less, and let people know that I'm not always okay with doing what everyone else wants to do, and I'm not always okay with sitting on the sidelines while everyone else has fun. Again, excuse me if I sound petty, but I don't know if there was any other way to get my opinion across. I'm really not all that petty....haha!

I realize this is quite a long post, but I had to make up for not being able to post last week, right?

Don't forget to vote in my poll! I know, it's a simple question, but it's just a test run to see how many people will actually do it. It's located at the top left side of my blog page!

Song of the week!

This is "Pray" by Sunny Hill. Usually, I'm not a fan of Korean Pop ballads, but this one is absolutely beautiful. There's just so much emotion invested in it, and it touches me deeply every time I listen to it. (Too cliché?)

Thanks for reading! Have an awesome day!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Hair: An Annoyance

I've been working my tail off on my Supernatural Fan-Fiction. I plowed through so many writers' blocks, I thought I was going to explode. Here's Chapters 1-12.

I have quite the random topic to talk about today, and I actually got the idea for it yesterday, as I was getting ready to run some errands with my mother yesterday. It's something all of us (at least a large portion of us) complain about, and are almost never satisfied with. That's right: our hair.

We complain about "bad hair days" and when we're actually having good hair days, all we can do is worry about whether it's going to get messed up or not. Or worse: there are winds as strong as hurricanes outside. I have noticed, though, that it's the women who complain about their hair more than men, but I do know some men who are ridiculously self-conscious about their hair. I'm one of them.

I learned that my hair is incredibly indecisive, and it almost never wants to do what I want it to do. It has its own personality, it seems. Even though I use gel to style it, and you'd think that it would actually obey me because of this, it still rebels against me. There are many things I've learned about how to manage it, too:

1. NEVER style it while it's wet. It will ALWAYS look terrible.
2. As my hair gets longer, my gel strength needs to be stronger.
3. If my hair even looks remotely presentable, I need to leave it alone, or else I'll just mess it up.

In my opinion, the way your hair looks can be an excellent indicator of many things, such as your style, hygiene, and how well you like to present yourself to people. I could have been camping for maybe a week, but if I come back, do my hair and make it look great, it would look like I kept clean throughout the whole trip. Because your hair is something that everyone can see, (unless you're wearing a hat, obviously) making it impressionable can work wonders on what people think of you.

Quick announcements: I will be in Yellowstone next Wednesday (Yay!), and I'm quite certain that I'll be busy that day, so there's a great chance that there won't be a blog post next Wednesday. I'm probably going to bring my laptop on the trip, but if we're too busy on that day, and I'm too tired, it just won't happen. Just so you know!

Also, I added a poll to my blog (it is on the top left area of my blog page), that all of you should answer!

And now it's time for the Song of the Week!

I have been on a Victorious kick lately, and this song was on the most recent episode "Locked Up" (It was a pretty entertaining episode, not gonna lie). I also bought the soundtrack. It's a guilty pleasure: Don't judge. While this isn't my favorite song on the soundtrack (that one is on my previous post), I've still found my self unable to stop listening to it.

That's all for now. Have a great Wednesday, everyone!