Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Beauty and Relationships

First and foremost, here's my Supernatural Fanfiction, which I'm almost finished with! Chapters 1-23.

So today, I thought I'd talk about something I know EVERYONE can relate to. In our lifetime, most of us want to be loved by someone, and some people spend copious amounts of time trying to find this one person. Many people have their certain standards about their personalities or whatnot, but to lots of others, there's another aspect that they search for. That's right, they also look for how attractive (physically) they are.

The issue is: Are looks really all that important in the relationship? I mean, sure. Just because someone is smokin' hot, it doesn't mean they're going to be the most reliable and loving person on the planet. In fact, many people think it's the opposite. I'll admit, I've had my fair share of thinking someone's attractive, only to find out they're a complete douche bag, but who says that it's always supposed to be that way?

There are many sides to this argument (at least from what I hear from different people). There are people who think that being physically attracted to their partner isn't essential. They think that a relationship is based solely on what they see on the inside, and not what's on the outside.

There are people who think looks are a bonus. They'll try hard to find someone who they're physically attracted to, but they won't necessarily make it a priority. If they find someone who they connect with on an emotional level, it might be all they need, but if they aren't necessarily "pretty", whether they think they are or not, they'll still stay happy and content with them.

And of course, there are the ones who base relationships solely on how people look. If the person isn't physically attractive to them at all, they won't even consider getting to know them. These people might be considered "picky", but others might just call it high standards.

What's my side on the issue? Personally, I want to be physically attracted to my partner. I feel like I won't be able to be in a relationship unless I'm able to look at the person without having a strong urge to look away. Now I'm sure some of you could be thinking, "Damn, this guy's shallow". Almost everyone I know can vouch for the fact that I'm not the least bit shallow. I'm saying this because I know I'm not the hottest thing on the block.I just think you have to connect with your partner in more ways than just emotionally, because you're, potentially, going to be spending the rest of your life with this person.

There's the underlying "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" type of thing when it comes to this topic, of course. I'm not trying to say that certain people only pick people that are attractive, but are attractive to them. Not all of us have the same taste, so I could think someone is absolutely hunky, while you think they're junky.

Song of the week! 
This is a multi-racial kpop band whom I've fallen in love with. This song has been on repeat since I've discovered it.

That's all for now! Have a great day!

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