Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Good Deeds

Life updaaaaates! Just imagine me singing that in a very high pitched, opera voice. Anyway! I've been watching a lot more Supernatural lately, and it was MUCH harder to find full episodes online than I thought it would be. No really, I was hunting for almost half an hour. On that note...I wrote the first chapter of my Supernatural fanfic! A New Addition. Click it and read if you'd like!

Also, I learned how to make my favoritest (I realize that's not a word, but this is just very deserving of a made up word) cake in the whole wide world. Oh dang, right when you take a bite of this delicious cake, you just can't help but get another slice. I forgot to take a picture of it, however, but next time I make it, I will. Here is, essentially, what it looked like.

Delicious, right? I know. My stepmom, my sister, and I did a pretty good job.

So one morning, we were on our way to my little brother's game at 8:30am (note, I'm not even up at this time on a daily basis), and we see a man standing on the side of the road. You don't usually see any homeless people or beggars on this street, but here this man was, just standing there. He was very frail, and he looked like he could just fall over at any minute. He was holding a sign that said "Will work for food", which tugged on all of our heartstrings (stepmom, sis, and I). You usually see people asking for money, or trying to guilt you into giving them money by bringing their starving dog, or saying that they're ex-military. However, this man was willing to give his time and effort just for some food, despite how frail he was. My stepmom knew she couldn't just see that and not do anything about it, especially since we would be stuffing our faces that evening because of my aunt and stepgrandma's birthday, so she stopped at a nearby Burger King and got him some food. When my sister and I went to go hand it to him, the poor guy was shaking so hard, I thought he was going to drop the bag. That's when he revealed that he hadn't eaten in two weeks, and has been unemployed for a year. He said "God bless you" to us, and enjoyed his meal.

After seeing this, I realized that it really isn't that hard to touch someone's heart. We act like these deeds are so much strenuous and tedious than they actually are, but it was just as simple as providing him some food. It also showed me that there are more honest people out there than we think. It really touched me, seeing that he'd be willing to give something in return for the food he'd be receiving. It was just a touching experience for the weekend.

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