Wednesday, June 29, 2011

What If...?

I've achieved an amazing feat (so far) this summer! I've lost some weight! I've lost seven pounds so far, and  will continue to lose this unnecessary fat. Take that, excess fat! Besides, I need to look good for my sophomore year of college. Duhh.

New York passed their Marriage Equality bill! Yay! I was so happy to hear about that, and I'm so glad that the gay community is starting to see some light in our situation. I sure hope New York is not our last victory!

I wrote the third and fourth chapter of my fan-fiction. And here they are! If you haven't read the first two, and would like to, just click the tab at the bottom (or top) right of the page, and go to the first chapter.

So I have something kind of personal to talk about today. In my experience as a gay male, I've noticed it's a bit hard. I feel like I don't get respect from other males (other than a given few), and that it'll be harder for me to find someone to date. I'm not saying I have it the hardest, and I'm not saying gays have it harder than anyone else to find a partner, I'm just stating how I feel. I just always find myself liking straight males. I feel like I can't ever just go and flirt with a guy because I'm interested in him, because I have to take the extra work to figure out if he's even gay, first. 

What I'm trying to get at is, if I were born a girl instead of a gay male, would I have it easier? I could actually flirt with a guy without him saying "Ew you're gay, back off." Then again, I might have to deal with "You're ugly", but at least my life would be a bit more straightforward. I wouldn't be treated different by people of the same gender, and I wouldn't struggle (as much) with finding someone.

After thinking about it, though, I think I'm content with being a gay male. If I was born a straight girl, or a straight male for that matter, how would I act? Would I even support this much needed cause that I feel so strongly for? Would I hate the gay community? I feel better knowing that I AM one of the people I'm fighting so hard for, and I don't think I'd have it any other way. 

Before you ask, no, I would not get a sex change, because I just don't like the idea of getting one. I'm fully supportive of anyone who gets them, though, because if that makes them happy, I think they should go for it. To me, it just wouldn't feel the same. 

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my super deep thoughts. So deep, it's mind-blowing, right? Yeah, I know.

By the way, I wanted to share this with you, because I'm probably going to be jamming to it for the next thousand months. Roly poly, roly roly poly! (There is a video for it, but it's like, twelve minutes long, and there are no subs for the speaking parts, so I figured I wouldn't bore you with that.)

Anywho, thanks for reading! Don't jam too hard to this song! I know it's impossible, though.

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