Wednesday, July 27, 2011

FWB: Friends With Benefits

Added a few new chapters to my Supernatural Fanfiction, so here you go! Chapters 1-8.

Feelin' pretty awesome, guys. I've lost 15 pounds this summer!

Alright, Jeff. Get on with the topic! So I saw Friends With Benefits (the movie, duhhh) a few days ago, and that is what inspired this blog post. In case you aren't street smart, and you've never been taught what "friends with benefits" are, then maybe I should get on with teaching you this terminology.

Friends with Benefits: noun A set of friends who engage in casual, sexual acts with each other, but try to keep it from getting emotional. Strictly meant for pleasure.

If your version of "friends with benefits" is anything other than this, such as friends who share cake or toys with each other, you might want to think of a new title before people think differently. Just think of "My FWB and I are going to go share some toys today" would sound to someone who knows the correct definition for it.

Anyway, it was mentioned in the movie that you can never have a connection like that without one of the friends becoming emotionally close to the other. With all the physical affection (whether sexual or not) you share with that person, it's bound that someone is going to end up becoming fond of them in a romantic sense.

My opinion on this is that, well, I don't think a friends with benefits connection is possible. I've thought about how I would be if I had a friend like this, and I think I would end up becoming to attached to them. If they were flirting with someone, I couldn't do anything about it because we, technically, have no obligations to each other. I can't ask something of them that they aren't entitled to do in the first place. I don't necessarily think these types of friendships are wrong, but I just think there's too many complications.

So yes, I don't think it's possible to have a friends with benefits connection with someone. It's just bound to turn into an emotional mess that gets way too out of control, and someone will wind up getting hurt. Hey, if you're one of the people who's made it work, then good for you. I'm glad you've found a way.

I kind of like posting songs at the end of each post, so I think I'll continue to do so! Here's my favorite one for this week.

I finally found a full version of this song! Yes! These are my two FAVORITE characters from Victorious, and this song is so amazing. For those who watch Victorious, but haven't seen this episode, it's the one where Cat and Jade get kicked out of the karaoke joint because the girls they sang against had them kicked out (the place is owned by the brunette one's dad).

Anyway, enjoy that, and see y'all again next Wednesday!

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